Purpose is our Glue to God & His Promises

Faith, Purpose

I’ve got some goods coming soon!

Let me tell you the motivation behind it all..Anyone that knows me knows how passionate I am, not only about Jesus and the about the Word of God, but also about change and real results in our lives as a result of our faith in Him!


This is why I’m so vested in this thing I call Destined Initiatives.

It’s manifest evidence of me taking initiative to fulfill my calling to share with the world what God gives me to edify the Body of Christ.

I want to push whoever I can to take their own initiatives to reach their expected end in God too!

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I’ve witnessed, first hand, people attending church for years, service after service, but still struggling with personal demons and the cares of life that eventually causes enough discouragement for them to give up on God. And this kills all of their hopes for lasting deliverance from their soul’s illnesses.

Another sad scenario: I’ve seen people run well and really give God everything they’ve got only to run into giants in the church that they initially warred with, but eventually got tired and weary and lost their faith and fire.

I’ve also witnessed people that are very successful in various regards. They’ve overcome those battles of practiced sin. They’re educated. They have a beautiful family and they’re rocking the scene with money in the bank, but they still haven’t been able to find their sweet spot in true purpose and destiny.

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Low notes will come, but they don't have to change your life's song into a forever sad tune! Find out 4 reasons why we experience lows when we're walking out our God Given purpose. Find out 4 steps to push through the inevitable ad repetitive cycles of highs and lows.

But purpose is our glue to God and His promises.

It’s our inheritance we’re talking about here!!! And if we’re not fulfilling true purpose, then sadly our faith is not in full effect…

The saddest thing about this is that the condition of the Body of Christ is a direct witness for people that do not know God yet. So this thing is Im.Port.Ant!

But you know what? I’ve wrestled with God about this barrenness that I’ve observed all too often in the Body of Christ, because I know that our God is greater than what we’ve been experiencing throughout the years.

Unfortunately, the fault is not entirely on each individual

But has a lot to do with a huge gap that’s present. The gap is the difference between the blemished Bride of Christ and the perfect Bride of Christ.

I’ll admit, The gap has a lot to do with the lack of genuine, godly leadership. More of it has to do with non-biblical doctrines that confuse people, stagnate, and turn droves of people off from “church” altogether.

But at the end of the day, we are called to save ourselves and seek God for ourselves.

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The gap has everything to do with me and you still needing to take personal initiative to fill it with what God uniquely designed each of us to do.

So point to yourself and say “I have a responsibility to fill the gap. The gap is me, but not for long!”

Make this declaration today – that you’ll do whatever it takes to seek God, not man… Make it your best intention to make your life a living sacrifice to make the Body of Christ a better place, rather than a pew warmer…

The big question of the day is: Why aren’t we diving into the divine assignments that God is delegating to us?

I honestly believe that many aren’t discovering and fulfilling their purpose because true intimacy with God is missing. We’re created to crave life, but if we don’t seek God as our source, then those voids are filled with idols and other ungodly things.

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The reason for abandoned purpose (that I’m going to address in my upcoming release) is fear, doubt, and unbelief clouding the minds of people.

Let’s take a moment to self-assess… Based on our individual stories, is our life a good testament of the awesomeness and love of God? Is it enough to compel someone to give everything up to follow Jesus Christ?


I’ve been challenging myself to do better and believe in God for the greater good that He wants to birth through His people. That’s why, over the past several weeks, I’ve been busy working on a few goods to help us all along the way.

Expect Part 1 next week, Loves.

I’m excited to share it with you and I would love your feedback when I release it.


Until then have a blessed day and go HARD after God!!!

Love you!

Natalia Shelton

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You’re beautifully made!

and you’re STRONG!!!

You can do all things through Christ that gives you strength!!

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