Progress is a MUST!


Since progress is life, then progress is a must if we want to feel as though we’re alive and well!

We have so many amazing gifts and resources, both spiritual and natural, to help us shift into our God-given destiny. But unfortunately, we don’t experience that progressive movement consistently because we’re hung up various things that keep us stuck.

The things that keep us stuck could range from internal hang ups to external battles.

One of the main things that keep us bound in stagnation are internal lies that we believe about God, ourselves, and the world around us. The greatest weapon against those lies is abiding in Jesus and in the Word of God.

“Study this Book of Instruction continually. Meditate on it day and night so you will be sure to obey everything written in it. Only then will you prosper and succeed in all you do”. Joshua 1:8

Lies that we’ve held on to for years are exposed as we renew our minds in the Word. And then we are set free by the TRUTH.

For example, one of the lies that I didn’t know had me bound was the idea that I had to wait for someone to notice me, approve of me, validate me, and then set me up for success.

But then I realized that I am called by GOD, not man. It’s in God that I gain the authority, confidence, and boldness that I need to walk in purpose.

I came upon this truth by:

  • Questioning the reasons for my stagnation in prayer and contemplation in the Word
  • Abiding in God’s presence to get a better understanding of my identity
  • Reading Christian empowerment books
  • Getting into a circle of like-minded women

The steps that I’m taking to aim high for effectiveness as a Believer in Jesus Christ are the same that I encourage through Destined Initiatives.
In 2020 Destined Initiatives is taking it up a notch and we’re excited about partnering with you to make the most out of 2020 to serve you so that you don’t get hung up on the real issues that real women face so that you can go after your BIG ambitions!

Here’s a high level view of what’s happening in 2020!

  • Quarterly Destined Initiatives Intimate Events
  • A Monthly Sisterhood Circle Membership
  • The 2020 Destiny Shift Conference
  • Corporate prayer sessions
  • Because I love reading so much, I’m thinking about starting a book club 🙂
  • Also, I’m so excited because I have a great start writing my first book that I’ll be publishing!

 Stay tuned for details to come!

Love ya!

Natalia Shelton

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